Sunday, April 20, 2008


I'm sure it's been hard to be a teenager in any generation.

Regardless of what decade you're in you have to deal with the hormones and emotions that come with teenagerdom.

But I feel there's a lot more that we have on our plates in 2008. We don't really have too much freedom to live the lives we imagine ourselves having.

I can't get a decent paying job and I legally can't do a lot of things I might want to. I can't even stay out past 11 P.M. on a weekend according to the state of Illinois.

How can I start to integrate into society if i'm not allowed to be in society past 11 o clock?

This inability to integrate into society leaves teenagers floating around aimlessly.

I can't vote, I can't smoke, I can't drink, I can't drive too late, I can't make decent money, and yet i'm expected to be mature and polite and nice and contribute to a society that holds me down?

We're maturing earlier and being held down for longer.

It's nice to have everything be provided for me but what am I going to do when it's time for me to provide for myself if I can't start trying now?

This lack of purpose in today's society is what really leads to all kinds of social problems that parents are afraid of.

Smoking pot, getting drunk, having sex...

It's what a lot of kids turn to doing because there's nothing really else to do when the school day is done.

1 comment:

Sal said...

One caveat -

there is nothing else to do that is meaningful for teens. By "meaningful" I mean it is something that matters to society at large and to the teen herself. It matters because it is something that is part of growing and becoming an adult etc... instead teens are trapped in a surreal existence that doesn't feel meaningful; like the way adults always tell them about the "real world". So smoking drinking, sex are activities that adults do and teens have access to and so those activities can be teens' reaching for adulthood, trying to prove they are adults. I hope to give you something more meaningful in the way of our volunteer project. it is so worthwhile and meaningful. Maybe it would behoove parents to give teens more of a role at home like preparing dinner, doing the gardening, taking care of siblings, paying the bills, going to the bank and post office etc... what do you think about those types of chores creating meaning for teens.