Sunday, April 27, 2008

Drug Culture

During the class activity on drugs some groups categorized heroin as a prescription drug- of course no one actually knew it was heroin they just had a pharmacological report to look at. Yes, the heroin roots do stem back to older modern medicine when opium was all the rage but in today's society heroin is undoubtedly super taboo.

But, while some "hardcore" drugs carry a taboo around them there are of course "cool" drugs- the coolest of course being marijuana.

Since migrant workers carried their weed over the border nearly a century back the attitude toward pot has changed dramatically. We went from media bashing to media love. Movies love weed: Bongwater, Accross the Universe, Harold and Kumar, Cheech and Chong, The Big Lebowski, Grandma's Boy, Half Baked, and dozens more portray pot as a-ok. Overall cinema has fallen in love with drugs. There is in fact a whole genre of movies called "drug films" which usually portray washed up drug addicts that even in all of their misery seem---hip.

In today's society its become hip to smoke marijuana so it's no surprise we're all toking up. Everybody is head over heels with weed.

The government has started to go a little more easy on marijuana in some states, medicinal weed seems to be the best cure for ailments cancer patients face after chemo, marijuana has its own magazines and websites, Ron Paul made high school teenagers happy with his ideas to legalize....

But if we legalize weed will it still remain so hip?

Our other popular legalized drugs have currently faced a little less lovin'. You can't smoke your cigarettes anywhere, if you smoke you're gonna die, and in general Americans are trying hard to make smoking a taboo. Cigarettes just don't carry the classy sophistication they used to in old cinema. We've made cigarette smoking into something that's more trashy and a lot less hip.

And then came alcohol...we're programmed to understand that drinking will lead to alcoholism, if you drink and drive you will be executed, and only lame jocks drink 'til they drop. The media likes to portray alcoholics as wifebeaters, wash ups, and definitely not hipsters. I mean the guys in beerfest weren't hip by any means.

So if we legalize weed how cool will it be?

I think some of the romaticism will leave. Where's the ten o clock phone call to your dealer? The shady pick up? The pot smoking giggle you share with your friends at midnight in your elementary school parking lot?

Well that will all be gone as soon as you can get your half sack at BP.

We're head over heels with marijuana. From the big screen to some kids basement- pot has been glorified.

You can't overdose unless you're accidentally smoking crack, it's totally curing really is just all the rage.

And it's definitely a force to be reckoned with.

1 comment:

Max said...

I don't know Mary. I think weed is one of those things that teens use to show their independence from their parents and their ascent to adulthood. Just like drinking I don't think teen's insatiable desire for pot will be quenched. Remember all those drunk drivers last year? Alcohol didn't lose its romanticism and neither will pot.